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Plastic materials Smart card making machine 220V 3000 cards per hour

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                  Plastic materials Smart card making machine 220V 3000 cards per hour



WL-HS-2F Dual-card Punching Machine combines slotting and punching. It adopts hydraulic power punching method .It adopts photoelectric eye center location to accurate positioning with fast speed. It uses imported good quality mold, which is easy to be replaced. The machine is for punching A4 size PVC, ABS and etc.


Punching effect is comparable with automatic high-speed die punch card. Punching is done after making holes without cutting.



Punching size International credit card standard size( 85.7×54mm)
Card material size 210 ×297 mm
Punching thickness 0.3 1.2mm
Punching method Hydraulic
Punching motion Constant
Voltage 220V
Power supply 220VAC 50HZ
Power 2.2KW
Productivity 3000 cards / hour
Dimension 850 ×410 ×1150 mm
Weight 380kgs



Suitable for PVC,ABS,PET,PETG,paper card,mixed material of PVC and ABS ,etc. plastic materials



Plastic materials Smart card making machine 220V 3000 cards per hour
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