Metal Cascade Mini Ring- a Random Packing with Low Pressure

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metal Cascade Mini Ring for Packing Towers

metal cascade mini ring is a kind of random packing made of carbon steel or stainless steel. metal cascade mini ring, whose ratio of height to diameter is 1:2, is commonly a cylinder with several windows open on the surface and a trumpet-shaped expanded opening at one end. The four most popular nominal diameters of metal cascade mini ring, widely applied to industrial manufacture, are DN 25, DN 38, DN 50 and DN 76 mm.

This kind random packing has higher mass transfer efficiency and better separation effect than the metal intalox saddle and metal raschig ring.

There are two metal cascade mini rings.
MCMR-01: metal cascade mini ring is a kind of random packing made of carbon steel or stainless steel.This is the structure diagram of metal cascade mini ring.
MCMR-02: metal cascade mini ring is commonly a cylinder with several windows open on the surface.
Metal Cascade Mini Ring- a Random Packing with Low Pressure
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