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Emei Bamboo Leaf Zhu Ye Qing Tea Chinese Top Loose Leaf Green Tea

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Zhuyeqing tea is a Chinese green tea. The word Zhuyeqing can be translated into "Bamboo Leaf Green".Grown in Southwestern China's Mount Emei, Zhuyeqing tea is relatively young compared to other famous Chinese tea.It was discovered by Foreign Minister General Chen Yi in 1964. Impressed by its quality, he enquired about it. When told it hadn't had a name, General Chen proceeded to name it Zhuyeqing, because the leaves resemble bamboo shoots.


Emei Bamboo Leaf Zhu Ye Qing Tea Chinese Top Loose Leaf Green Tea




there are about 35,000~40,000 buds per 500g tea, the processings are all handmade, and the tea is all organic and pure nature. Actually, no other Chinese green tea is made by so many buds, which make it taste smooth.








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I am an avid tea drinker - 1 to 2 pots a day. This is the best loose tea I have ever ordered. Wonderful flavor, even unsweetened. I highly recommend this tea. I just ordered 2 more packs.





The highest grade of green teas are made from tender tea shoots picked early spring. These young tea shoots may consist of a single terminal bud, a bud with an adjacent leaf or a bud with two adjacent slightly unfurled leaves. It is generally required that the leaves are equal in length or shorter than the buds.


Green tea steeping time and temperature varies with different tea. The steeping temperatures are 81 to 87 °C (178 to 189 °F) water and the steeping times 1-2.5 minutes. In general, lower-quality green teas are steeped hotter and longer, while higher-quality teas are steeped cooler and shorter. Steeping green tea too hot or too long will result in a bitter, astringent brew, regardless of the initial quality. High-quality green teas can be and usually are steeped multiple times; two or three steepings is typical.



How to steep tea--for one teaspoonful

    Tea Type





Green tea




Black tea



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