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0.15mm white pvc card materials with glue Card making pvc inkjet printing sheet

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Card making PVC inkjet printing sheet 0.15mm white pvc materials with glue



  1. Technical features: ink-jet printer, such as, Epson, HP, Canon, Lexmark
  2. Technical index: appearance: white, golden, silver, even surface, no mechanical impurities
  3. Thickness range: 0.15~0.38mm
  4. Laminating temperature: 110140
  5. Storage condition: Light discharge, store under room temperature, less than 1 meters stack height
  6. Specification: 210x297mm(customized)
  7. Packaging method: 210x297mm--25 pieces/package, 25 pieces/package, 8package/box(200pieces/box) namely: 1000pieces/box

Competitive Advantage:

    Inkjet Printing pvc sheet can get high definition picture,high saturation color,dry quickly. This product is used for laminating pvc cards, you can print picture directly,it should be laminated together with film with glue at high temperature,simplify the card making procedure,saving time,high intensity,top quality pvc has smooth coating,good glue,suitable for making kinds of pernality cards.








0.15mm white pvc card materials with glue Card making pvc inkjet printing sheet
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