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"Brand-new business models and online user behaviors are happening in China that neverhappened in mature markets like the United States or western European countries," said HarryShum, executive vice-president of Microsoft's Technology and Research group, at the seventhChina US Internet Industry Forum that began on Tuesday in Washington.
According to Shum, an entire generation of people has now grown up on mobile platforms inChina, who are connecting to cloud and using cloud services, and the data analytics andassistance that the services provide.
He joined Microsoft Research in 1996 as a researcher in Redmond, Washington. In 1998 hemoved to Beijing as one of the founding members of Microsoft Research China, later renamedMicrosoft Research Asia.
"This is really accelerating the pace of technology adoption."
"I researched about some of the online e-commerce data on Nov 11, the biggest online shoppingday in China. What was shocking to me was six out of 10 of the top search items on searchengine or browsers were actually related to clothing and buying clothes. This is really incredible,"said Shum.
The world's best online shopping tools, apps or websites for clothing will come from China in thecoming months and years, he said.
"I am very optimistic about the innovation of mobile first or cloud computing first strategy in Chinaand how that will spark innovations globally," said Shum.
During the speech at the opening ceremony of the forum, he also summarized the core issuesthat will be discussed in the meeting such as challenges of cybercrime on privacy, continuing toincrease access to the Internet and social networking and the appropriate treatment for itscontent.
Lu Wei, minister of State Internet Information Office, delivered a speech titled "Enhancing Trust inCommunication, Creating Win-Win through Cooperation" during the forum.
According to Lu, the Sino-US relation on the Internet issue is now an important component of thenew model of major power relationship between the two countries and will decide the future ofboth countries to a great extent.
"We should see that consensus and cooperation are the main streams. Not only should we seekthe common grounds in spite of differences, but also make joint progress based on the commongrounds," he said.
He noted that differences should not be obstacles. "It is precisely through these differences thatwe can complement each other and create all kinds of possibilities for cooperation and mutualbenefits," he said.
Catherine Novelli, US under secretary of state for economic growth, energy and environment,said the United States and China should cooperate and are cooperating as the two countriesshare common interests on cyber issues.
The two-day forum, co-hosted by Internet Society of China and Microsoft Corporation, drew over150 government officials, industry leaders and academics to discuss the prospects ofcooperation on cyber issue between the two countries.