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Trade Knowledge: Transportation (5)

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Core Tip:Trade Knowledge: Transportation (5)

This is one set of the shipping documents coverning the consignment.

We'll send you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods are loaded.

when the goods have been loaded, you can get the B/L signed by the master of the vessel.

We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading.

Words and Phrases

a full set of 




two (several) sets of 

transport document 

shipping documents 

Bill of lading (B/L) 

On board B/L 

Shipped B/L 

received for Shipment B/L 

Direct B/L 

Transhipment B/L 

Through B/L

Clean B/L 

Unclean B/L 或 Foul B/L 

Straight B/L 

Open B/L

Bearer B/L

Order B/L 

Long Form B/L 

Short Form B/L 

On Deck B/L 

Stale B/L 

Ante Dated B/L 

Advanced B/L 

Freight at Destination B/L 

Freight prepaid B/L 

to order to 

Additional Words and Phrases

transportation facilities 

transportation insurance 

transportation permit 

transportation system 

transportation tax 

transport by container 

transport chain 

cargo worthy 

cargo by rail 

cargo by road 

cargo mark (shipping mark) 

cargo receipt 

time charter 

time charter trip 

single voyage charter 

return voyage charter 

voyage charter 


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