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Romanian fake oil buyer company, making fales commitments, no performance, disappear!

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Core Tip:Romanian fake oil buyer company, making fales commitments, no performance, disappear!

Romanian fake oil buyer company, making fales commitments, no performance, disappear!

I would like to raise your attention to beware the SC KORONA EDITILAR SRL (Jud Arges , Romania , Municipiul Pitesti , str Plopilor ,no 31) managed by Mr. ISTRATE OVIDIU NICUSOR Director.

This company signed contract as a buyer for oil product (D2) with one of our serious partners, but do not have any financial ability to execute the trade. Thorugh the discussion they were hiding their financial position, made false commitments, finally they "disappeared", we did not managed to reach them any ways.

Finally we double checked all-around their financial background and made due diligence to confirm our above statements and all our suspicion was valid - they are a company not to make busines with!!!


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