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Instructions in the Event of a Loss

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Core Tip:Instructions in the Event of a Loss

In case of loss or damage which may become a claim under this Policy, please follow these instructions:

TAKE PROPER EXCEPTIONS on the delivery receipt when any loss or damage is apparent at the time of taking delivery. When delivery is made by container, the consignee must make sure that the container and its seals are immediately examined. If the container is delivered damaged, or with seals broken or missing, or with seals other than as stated on the shipping document, the consignee must note the condition in detail on the delivery receipt and retain all defective or irregular seals for later identification.

promptLY REPORT LOSS OR DAMAGE to your Insurance Carrier or the nearest settling agent listed on your Insurance policy and request them to conduct the survey. If none are nearby, you may contact the nearest  American Institute of Marine Underwriters Correspondents or Lloyd’s Settling Agents and request them to conduct the survey. Invite Carrier’s representative to attend survey. If loss is discovered on dock, have survey held there without delay.  You may also complete our online claims notification form to e-mail the report of loss.

MINIMIZE THE LOSS by taking all reasonable steps to protect the cargo from further damage and to keep the amount of loss or damage to a minimum.  You are expected to do exactly what you would do if the shipment were uninsured.  Retain all original packing materials.

FILE CLAIM IN WRITING against the delivering carrier(s) holding them responsible as soon as loss or damage is discovered even though the full extent of loss may not yet be known.  See Sample Letter Putting Carrier on Notice of Loss for complete instructions.

COLLECT COMPLETE documentS in support of your insurance claim to send to the claims adjuster consisting of:

Itemized Statement of Claim dated and signed.

Original or copy of bill(s) of lading covering the entire shipment, including transshipment bill(s) of lading, freight note(s) and/or way-bill(s) when applicable.

Original or copy of the invoice(s) covering the entire shipment.

Packing List.

Delivery receipts and any other available documents showing condition when received.

Original or duplicate of this Special Cargo Policy properly endorsed by the payee.

Original Survey Report.

Copy of written claim against Carrier or other parties with their reply, if available.


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