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Fake website - - Russian oil scam / advance fee fraud

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Core Tip:Fake website - - Russian oil scam / advance fee fraud

Hello, We are currently in communication with the below organisation. I have looked into the website etc and it seems questionable, wher there is conflicts, is one of the emails & phone numbers they have on the potential fraud site, are also on the genuine rosneft site.

I have searched the numbers and they come up as landlines in Russia, I have searched the names and there is very little that I can find.

Can someone let me know if they have delt with this company before or heard any additional information? Thanks in advance..

Site in Question:* Angarsk Refinery can be contacted at the following details: Director: Fyodor Serdyuk Head of Legal Dept: Dr. Viktor Oushkin Emails: E: E: Phone numbers : Tel: +7 (3951) 57-47-00 ( Irkutsk region, Russia) Tel: +7 (4959) 78-83-25 ( Head quarters and Head operationa quarters ,Moscow Russia) *_Other sites found:- _* * has same email as above in contacts:- E: has same number as above: - Tel: +7 (3951) 57-47-00 but doesn’t have the other contact details * _*translated link: - Address: 665830, Irkutsk, Angarsk, a / b 65 JSC "Angarsk petrochemical company" Phone: (3955) 574700 Fax: (3955) 577002, 577597


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