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Exchange Visitor Visa Apply to join family living permanently in the UK - 7. Extend your visa

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Core Tip:Exchange Visitor Visa Apply to join family living permanently in the UK - 7. Extend your visa

7. Extend your visa

You can apply to extend your visa towards the end of your stay.

You must apply before your visa expires.

When you’re eligible, you can apply to settle. Settlement means you can stay in the UK without time limits.

You may have to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your application. Check how much you need to pay before you apply.

Your initial stay will be:

  • 33 months if you applied as a partner (27 months if you applied before 9 July 2012)
  • 6 months if you applied as an engaged partner or proposed civil partner
  • as long as your parent’s stay if you applied as a dependent child or to join a parent with sole responsibility for you
  • without time limits if you applied to join 2 British or settled parents
  • 30 months if you applied as a parent

You’re an adult dependent relative

Your initial stay will be:

  • without time limits if you applied to join a family member who’s British or settled in the UK - you won’t need to apply to extend or settle
  • as long as your family member’s stay if they have asylum or humanitarian protection in the UK - you won’t need to extend but you can apply to settlewhen you’re eligible

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