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CLIVE HARRIS: We have direct competition from J.K. Toys.

We have to make sure that the sales and marketing campaign for Big Boss is the best we have ever done.

So we are going to have to make an extra effort.

We have brought the launch date forward to January 15th.

It will be very tight, but I am sure that we can make this deadline.

Do you agree?

So, let' s just outline what we are going to do.

Kate, I think you should get the sales people in the States together as soon as possible.

KATE MCKENNA: Okay, I' ll be on the first available flight.

CLIVE HARRIS: You ought to make sure that they understand how important this Big Boss project is.

KATE MCKENNA: Should I talk to our UK agents as well?

CLIVE HARRIS: No, I think you ought to leave that to Don.


CLIVE HARRIS: Derek, I think you should visit the component suppliers that Don saw last week.

Confirm that they can meet these new deadlines.

It‘s essential that they deliver on time, on spec and on price.


CLIVE HARRIS: Don, what are your plans?

DON BRADLEY: I have arranged to go to see some of our overseas franchise holders next week.

CLIVE HARRIS: What countries are you going to?

DON BRADLEY: I' m going to Italy, Egypt and Germany

CLIVE HARRISL: I don' t think you should go, Don.

I think you ought to stay at head office.

It' s essential that you co-ordinate the new launch strategy.

DON BRADLEY: Okay. I don' t want to cancel those meetings.

Could I send Edward?


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