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Certificate of Origin

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Core Tip:Certificate of Origin

What it's about

The Certificate of Origin verifies the country in which the product was manufactured.

The product being exported and its destination country determine if the Certificate of Origin is required. Some countries restrict imports from certain countries, many countries limit the quantity of goods that are allowed to be imported, and some countries give preference to goods manufactured in a certain country.

What's required on it

If your shipment requires a Certificate of Origin, one original is required. The descriptions and amounts on the Certificate of Origin must be consistent with those entered on the Commercial Invoice. Most countries accept a generic Certificate of Origin form that includes the following information:

The shipper's name and address.

The recipient’s name and address.

The product’s parts or serial numbers.

The number of packages, boxes or crates in the shipment.

The gross and net weight of the shipment.

A complete and accurate description of the contents of the shipment.

The country of origin of the contents of the shipment.

The completed Certificate of Origin must be validated and notarized by a local chamber of commerce.


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